Very mindful, very thorough, very Virgo.

In this post I’ll be sharing my way of understanding the Virgo “personality” as I like to say. We’ll review themes, archetypes, characteristics, and self-reflection prompts to explore how this energy shows up personally, in modern culture, the yoga practice, and how to connect it all into your personal birth chart!

There is a Virgo New Moon at 10:55pm EST on Monday, September 2nd, 2024.

A new moon is always in the same astrological sign as the Earth and Sun. The moon is sitting directly between the Earth and Sun, so the dark side of the moon is what we see from Earth. New Moons represent fresh starts. They invite us to set intentions, initiate projects, and plant future seeds aligned with our life goals.

A Virgo New Moon is a chance to look at your personal health and craft a vision of your most radiant life or the healing that needs your deep devotion and attention.

How do you want to feel every day?

Commit to the self-care practices that support this vision.

This Virgo New Moon initiates a return to personal sovereignty and noting dynamics in your life that may be taking your power or dimming your light. Less is more, you have everything within you, simplify, simplify, simplify. Sometimes, the dynamic that needs refining — is you. Wipe the slate fresh (sage/set intentions) with the relationship you have to perfectionism and/or procrastination. Tend to the process of your life and vision with detail and care while maintaining a little space for divine magic. Treat attention to detail as clarity, not control. Notice when contraction or anxiety creep in when you micro manage yourself. Try to take a step back and take a break. Let the Universe’s perfection guide you.

A New Moon Ritual Guide —

New Moons are a wonderful moments for self-ritual and practicing magic. Below is a super simple (which I love) new moon ritual for you to follow and keep in mind for the future. Use what serves you and leave what doesn’t! New Moon magic lasts 1-3 days before and after the official lunation, find your own perfect timing.

  1. Set up your space to be with yourself. Make it comfortable with pillows and blankets. Clear the energy (smudge) with sage, incense or palo santo. As you do, speak to the space and request verbally or with your mind that only supportive and loving energies remain through the ritual.

  2. Gather what you need to have a lovely time. I like to have each element represented (earth, water, fire, air). I also gather crystals, a tarot deck, photos, a book, any items that holds meaning and is aligned with what I’m working through. Maybe you also want a journal, guitar, piano, art supplies, you might need them when you express your intentions.

    • For earth I choose a plant I am inspired by.

    • For water a cup of water, tea or cacao to enjoy.

    • For fire, a candle.

    • For air, incense or a feather.

  3. Settle into the space, put on a mellow meditative playlist and just spend a few moments dropping in and self-soothing. That can be gentle movements, deep breathing, a body scan meditation, soul journaling, whatever you need to shift into the present moment and align with the current available energy.

  4. Gratitude practice: When you feel as connected to the body as you’d like, take a moment to express gratitude for your self, the body, your guides, the Earth, the elements, the divine, the ancestors, and any energies you feel called to give appreciation for.

  5. Get comfortable in a seat or lying down position. Meditate on aligned prompts for at least 5-10 mins. Try to practice doing nothing. Just let downloads flow.

  6. Following stillness — express the experience in whatever way feels most authentic: journal to prompts aligned with the energy, draw, paint, sing, dance, laugh, write music, draw, play, move, stretch, cry, pull Tarot. Feel into the energetic relationship to your body, your breath, the space, what you need, the energy around you, whatever is coming up for you.

  7. When you’re ready, pause to acknowledge the practice and the ritual. Take in the space, the work, you.

  8. Close the container by setting your new moon intention(s) in a journal or on a piece of paper for your alter. This can be a single word or a lengthy list. Whatever you need it to be, let it be.

  9. Spend a few moments meditating and soaking in the moon magic. Thank the space, the guidance, and yourself for taking the time.

Let’s chat VIRGO
8/23 — 9/22


  • Element: EARTH — grounding, stabilizing, manifesting, hardworking, generative, sustainable, service, craft, perfection.

  • Mode: Mutable. Mutable signs come at the end of a season, to support us to let go and prepare for another, a transition if you will. The other mutable signs are Gemini (end of Spring), Sagittarius (end of Fall), and Pisces (end of winter). Virgo is mutable and is concerned with dispersing the skills we have learned from the year thus far.

  • Planet ruled by: Mercury, the messenger, planet of communication. Fast, adaptable and flexible. A strong curiosity to understand the world and organize her into manageable parts, because less is more and smaller pieces are easier to digest.

  • Archetypes: The Virgin & The Priestess. Individuals who belong to themselves first and foremost. The Goddesses of Harvest whose drive for improvement of self and others seeks to maximize efficiency and clean out stale energy or underperforming details.

Virgos don’t settle for good enough. Their standards are high and communication skills excellent. They keep themselves and others accountable and striving to do their best. They push maybe a little harder than necessary, but the result turns into best possible manifestation of the vision and plan. They know the magic of hard work, consistency, details, and being in service to the craft as key elements of creating.


For Virgos it’s learning the value and meaning of time and energy. Earth signs shine when getting things done and feeling useful. Virgo cares about the order of operations and wants to set up practical and results oriented systems to achieve the optimum outcome. The disrupting side of Virgo is the inner critic, the demon on the shoulder who expects perfection.

The medicine to this is to remember the sacred meaning behind the work, to stay connected to what the work is in service for. If that goal has been reached or not, rest remains a path forward and through.

It’s about the way the small details add up to the bigger picture that fundamentally support our work, rest, play, love, connection, and impact. This divine care and attention to detail sets Virgos up to be superhuman friends and life collaborators.

If there ever was a sign that embodies ‘practical magic,’ it’s Virgo. Practical magic brings to mind the small, simple and magically mundane moments that connect us to ourselves, to each other and to something greater than ourselves. Embracing the beauty of the mundane is not just an act of mindfulness but a profound expression of gratitude towards our mother earth. By finding comfort in the everyday rhythms of life, we honor the simplicity and wisdom of the natural world. Each small moment—whether it’s the warmth of the morning sun, the rustling of leaves or the quiet hum of daily tasks—serves as a reminder of the earth’s nurturing presence and our deep connection to her. In appreciating these seemingly ordinary experiences, we acknowledge the sacredness of the life that sustains us, grounding ourselves in the present and fostering a sense of harmony with the world around us. Virgo teaches us that true magic lies in these everyday moments, where the practical and the spiritual seamlessly blend, creating a life filled with purpose and connection.

Virgo is where principles are put into practice — where lofty ideals meet everyday actions through implementation. One of my favorite approaches to goal setting and solution-oriented thinking is rooted in small, achievable goals and simple, accessible ways to find inner peace. Yet, I’ve noticed in myself, and in my clients, a tendency to resist Virgo’s mundane magic. We often believe our solutions need to be as complicated as our problems. But what if we embraced the idea of simplifying the complex? Shouldn’t we feel relieved to know that many challenges could be eased by something as simple as staying hydrated, meditating, practicing gratitude and moving our bodies?
— Astrologer Colin Bedell

Ah ha — the power of routine. Daily cleaning, cleansing, and clearing of space does wonders for Virgo Suns and major placements. This season is a great time to make commitments to routine bed times, staying properly hydrated, taking time for peace and quiet, daily walks — leaning into the health habits that help support your highest self.

And now — the yoga practice. We start with the details and build to the bigger picture. Yoga starts with the self. It can look like lying down on the mat in meditation, flowing through a vinyasa practice, or tending to your body on a routine basis that supports self-reflection, compassion, and growth.

Making time and space for your mindfulness practice is the way we expand our ability to think critically about ourselves and the world, while showing compassion, giving grace, standing up for what we feel is right and just and detaching from the distracting human drama to return to the point of it all: to be in love.

It’s simple, but it’s not. Virgos hold this paradox effortlessly and might even relish in it. The devil is in the details, which is where Virgos spend a lot of time and energy.

What wellness goals do you feel called to implement? What daily systems might be supportive? What health habits are no longer serving you?

There is no perfect yoga practice until you are dead and have returned to where you came from. So lead with love, service and self-worth.

Learn about Virgo in your personal birth chart! After reading the general Virgo information above, it can be deeply revealing to explore the way it shows up in your cosmic blueprint. Pull up your birth chart and explore:

  • What placements or planets are in Virgo? Research what it means to have those placements.

  • Where is Mercury in your chart? Mercury is the ruler of Virgo, so this is a great time to learn about your Mercury placement and the way the planet of communication shows up.

  • What house does Virgo occupy for you and what does this house represent? This is the area of your life that is going to get an upgrade or refresh throughout this season.

Virgo reflections from You Were Born for This by Chani Nicholas:

  • How does your inner critic sabotage you from taking action, creating, building, or being present?

  • What drives the perfection? When does it serve you and when does it not? When does it derail the project?

  • Where in life does discernment serve you? What systems of healing help you understand your life’s calling?

  • How do I see myself being of service?

I hope this post supports you this Virgo season!

Finally, from me to you, I recorded a lovely lower body mellow movement practice that will guide you to energetically connect to the earth element through mind, breath and body. You can find that video here.

XO + OM,


Change: a practice & a promise.